A Recovery Blog

This blog is about my continuing recovery from severe mental illness and addiction. I celebrate this recovery by continuing to write, by sharing my music and artwork and by exploring Buddhist and 12 Step ideas and concepts. I claim that the yin/yang symbol is representative of all of us because I have found that even in the midst of acute psychosis there is still sense, method and even a kind of balance. We are more resilient than we think. We can cross beyond the edge of the sane world and return to tell the tale. A deeper kind of balance takes hold when we get honest, when we reach out for help, when we tell our stories.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Poem: Thy Will Be Done

Thy Will Be Done

Thy will be done on this day
And in the days to come.

What is your will for me today?
Not a word can I hear
Just the small sounds of the house
The muffled drip of the rain outside.
Just my soft breaths in and out.
Just my open spirit listening
As if to the sound of the waves past a dune.

Thy will be done on this day
And in the days to come.

The message I have heard during hard times
And light times is to take care,
Take care of my true self
Once submerged in a murky lake
And now coming up for air.

True self come forward
Wait for the rain to stop
For the clouds to drift away
And the blue of the sky to come forth.
Wait for the sun to warm your face.

Thy will be done on this day
And in the days to come.

Great Spirit you are everywhere,
You are space.
Space is gentle;
Space is kind;
Space holds the fact
That freedom is real.

Thy will be done on this day
And in the days to come.

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